Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's a Sleater-Kinney kind of day.

I couldn't figure it out, but I have! Girlyman wasn't doing, nor was Nirvana, The National, Marvin Gaye, Verdi, Bikini Kill, Morphine, Anais......nada. And then Call The Doctor came on.....nice. Dig Me Out is the most appropriate album of the day. recent news. I did not drive to Wassaic this morning as planned, as nobody called. However, being awake at 7:30 a.m. turned out to be beneficial- my lovely lawyer called and I was able to say hello to newborn Bella! She was fussing through the entire call, but she still sounded absolutely adorable, can't wait to see her in November. I also attempted to record some music, but Audacity hates my face and decided to freeze up during a track duplication, so.......yuck. Talked to Parker about moving-in stuff; I might be living with two couples? Neat. Honestly, that's fine- more people to cook for :)

What else, what else.....I totally geeked it out at Amelia's last night, attacking her Macintosh with all of my knowledge and strength. She has an older G4, so trying to make it run faster really just consisted of deleting unused/unneeded programs and installing new flash components and drivers. Now the sound and video sync up! Next step.....converting her .aiff files to .mp3s, because .aiffs take up WAY too much space. I am such a tooly nerd. Going down to the Richmond house with her tomorrow to ready it up for tenants coming on's good of her to make me feel useful. Also, October 24th is the Olde Forge's Octoberfest, and while I don't feel like sitting around drinking Guinness all day, Jessica Moulton will be participating in th ekeg toss- something I definitely need to witness. I guess the guys throw whole empty kegs, and the women throw empty quarter kegs. I could see throwing a quarter, but the whole kegs are far too hefty.

Today's agenda: finish this entry, do a little bit more packing, finish my laundry, go climbing up at the Bowl, shower, eat, play guitar, sleep.
Today's probable reality: finish this entry much later than ten minutes from now because a) i will get distracted and go for a run, or b) an adrenaline rush will push me out the door and up the mountain, and also, sleep.

.......and now for the playlist. Don't worry. Not just SK.

Sleater-Kinney- Modern Girl

totally called it. it's more than 12 hours later and i am too exhausted to compile a playlist. and sad. why? no idea. maybe i'm just tired. let's go with that.

buona sera.

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